SEMYONOV Alexander Evgenyevich
President of the Association, Founder
Honorary PhD, Professor of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems, and its Presidium member
International Academy of Information, Communication and Management (IAICM), academician
Academy for the Study of Informatiological and Applied Anomalogy Problems (AIAAN), honorary academician
International Academy of Energy-Information Sciences (IAEIS), honorary academician

EGOROV Timofey Antonovich
General Director, Founder
Cosmonauts training leading specialist at the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center, Star City, Russia
Chief Coordinator of The Ethics of the Cosmos international social movement for the promotion of peaceful existence in Outer Space

BARANOV Vladimir Vasilyevich
General Science Expert, Founder
President of the Academy for National Security Studies
PhD in Technical Science
PhD in Philosophy
PhD in Religious Studies
Lieutenant General

EGOROVA Olga Mikhailovna
Wellness instructor
Graphics and layout designer

Ecology of the Unknown, LLC
Member of the Association
The predecessor organization of the Association Ecology of the Unknown (NGO)