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Dr. Carol Sue Rosin's presentation for the scientific and practical conference "World Majority for a Fair, Equal and Safe World", held in Moscow, Russia on April 26, 2024.

Support the Treaty on the Prevention of the Placement of Weapons in Outer Space at: (Carol Rosin's website).

​Visiting Sergey Grankovsky on Channel 56 is the President of the Association Ecology of the Unknown, Honorary PhD and Professor of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems, Alexander Semyonov.

Tricky geopolitical games at the Pentagon under the guise of studying the UFO factor.

In the summer of 2023, a children's summer camp "The Living Universe 2023" was held in the Ivanovo region on the banks of the Volga River, organized by a Russian youth organization - partner of the Association Ecology of the Unknown. Russian cosmonauts Pyotr Dubrov and Anna Kikina visited the camp as guests of honor.

Russian cosmonaut Anna Kikina answers questions from Timofey Egorov, General Director of the Association Ecology of the Unknown, at the children's summer camp "The Living Universe 2023". The camp was organized in summer 2023 by a Russian youth organization in cooperation with the Association Ecology of the Unknown and with the assistance of employees of the Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center.

Visiting Sergey Grankovsky on Channel 56 is the President of the Association Ecology of the Unknown, Honorary PhD and professor of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems, Alexander Semyonov.
The talk is about the services and departments specially created recently in the United States, which, with the knowledge of Congress, have to deal with the UFO issue.

The General Director of the Association Ecology of the Unknown, Timofey Egorov reports on the results of the Association's activities for the past 2021-2022 academic year at the reporting conference of the Corporation Development and Perfection on May 15, 2022.

New Russian Cosmism - Perspective on the ET Issue

How do we perceive extraterrestrials, and do they exist at all?
Is there any physical evidence of the existence of intelligent life outside the Earth?
Modern scientists - Russian cosmists, members of the Association Ecology of the Unknown share their discoveries and views on the existence of UFOs, extraterrestrials and intelligent life in the Universe.

Leading Science Expert of the Association Ecology of the Unknown, a modern Russian cosmist, PhD Candidate in technical science, Sukhonos Sergey Ivanovich talks about his scientific discoveries on Channel 56 with Sergey Grankovsky.

Interview with the General Director of the Association Ecology of the Unknown Timofey Egorov for Channel 56 with Sergey Grankovsky. Timofey talks about his work at the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center, the views of Russian cosmologists on the structure of the Universe, as well as the possibility of human contact with our Galactic neighbors-extraterrestrials and ethical aspects of space exploration.

​Interview with the President of the Association Ecology of the Unknown, Alexander Semyonov for Channel 56 with Sergey Grankovsky. Alexander Evgenievich talks about several of the most significant cases of UFO sightings and time anomalies.

​In this interview with the President of the Association Ecology of the Unknown Alexander Semyonov for Channel 56 with Sergey Grankovsky, they will talk about the history of the UFO phenomenon and the threats that have always been seen in it by those who aim to seize and hold power over the whole world in their hands.

​Interview with Alexander Semyonov, Honorary doctor and professor of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems, President of the Association Ecology of the Unknown, on Channel 56 with Sergey Grankovsky. Interview topic: "Unacknowledged Special Access Projects. UFO. Geopolitics. Ethics of the Cosmos." We will also talk about a report on unidentified aerial phenomena to the US Congress.

​From the problems of studying UFOs to plans to dominate the world and unacknowledged special access projects. The President of the Association Ecology of the Unknown Alexander Semyonov shares his 45-year experience in studying UFOs in the context of the modern geopolitical situation.

Interview with a twice Noble Prize nominee scientist, author, Honorary PhD, Founder-Director of the Laszlo Institute of New Paradigm Research (Italy), and pianist Ervin Laszlo conducted by the General Director of the Association Ecology of the Unknown, Timofey Egorov.

Among the topics discussed: Evolution of the Universe, Ethics of the Cosmos, Peace in Space and on Earth, Declaration of Love and more.

​Interview with the President of the Association Alexander Semyonov for the YouTube channel "Некрасова-LIVE" - "Unidentified Flying Objects", part 2.

​The General Director of the Association "Ecology of the Unknown" Timofey Egorov and the President of the Association Alexander Semyonov are talking about the report to the US Congress on UFOs, Russian Cosmism, public ufology and the international social movement "The Ethics of the Cosmos".

​The new film by Dr. Steven Greer "The Cosmic Hoax: An Expose" tells in detail and evidently that, perhaps, soon the world will be announced about the "invasion of evil aliens", from which earthlings will be asked to "defend themselves" by launching weapons into space... Of course, "evil aliens" are a lie and a hoax, through which clandestine transnational societies plan to take over the whole world. A hoax of a cosmic scale.

Honorary Doctor Carol Sue Rosin - the spokesperson of Werner Von Braun, father of rocketry - addresses the world leaders with a call to sign the Treaty on the Prevention of the Placement of Weapons in Outer Space. Since Russia at all times has constantly been advocating an exclusively peaceful exploration of Outer Space, Carol chooses the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin to be the first to sign the Treaty and call on the other world leaders to do this. Let peace on Earth prevail through peace in Space!

President of the Association "Ecology of the Unknown" Alexander Semyonov talks about the International Coalition for Extraterrestrial Research (ICER), which was registered in Portugal on May 25, 2021 and began its activities to study and highlight issues related to UFOs at the international level.
Among the participants of this organization there are also observers from Russia.

General Director of the Association "Ecology of the Unknown", Trainer of Cosmonauts Timofey Egorov speaking at the 20th Anniversary of The Disclosure Project Webinar, initiated and organized by Dr. Steven Greer. Timofey presents a few of the most famous Russian cases of UFO sightings and investigations, as well as the testimony of the most recognized Russian expert in UFOs and anomalous phenomena - professor Alexander Semyonov. Also, Timofey invited everyone willing to join "The Ethics of the Cosmos" Project.

UFOs are real.

Extraterrestrial civilizations are exclusively peaceful, with a little concern about our hostility.

The inevitable consequences of people placing weapons in Outer Space would be as bad as the Earth and the entire Solar System ceasing to exist.

We have to have a binding world law signed, which would absolutely ban the placement of any weapons in Outer Space!

Why does man exterminate his own kind?

Should we protect ourselves from anyone in peaceful space?

What are field life forms?
Interview with Elena Melnikova, President of the Scientific Foundation "Intelligence and Survival", Doctor of Economics, Leading Scientific Expert of the Association "Ecology of the Unknown".

Psychologist, psychoanalyst, head of the Center for Consciousness Transformation, leading expert of the Association "Ecology of the Unknown" Valentina Sidorova tells about her experience of meeting and communicating with extraterrestrials during a special operation in which she took part in the 90s.

President of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Colonel-General (retired), Honorary scientific expert of the Association "Ecology of the Unknown" Leonid Grigoryevich Ivashov talks about why it is unacceptable to allow the weaponization of space, that is, the placement of weapons in space.
The United States is creating a new space weapons program under the auspices of protecting against a possible attack on Earth by extraterrestrial civilizations.

How can humanity get out of the evolutionary impasse? Why is humanity destroying its own planet? What is the Solar system on the scale of the Universe?
To answer these questions, let us turn to the views of Russian cosmologists: Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, Alexander Chizhevsky, Vladimir Vernadsky.
Timofey Yegorov, General Director of the Association "Ecology of the Unknown" speaks.

What happens to a person when he sees our planet Earth from space with his own eyes? The overview effect is a phenomenon experienced by all astronauts who have been in space. Timofey Egorov, a leading specialist in cosmonaut training at the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center, General Director of the Association "Ecology of the Unknown", speaks.

"The "Last Card" is the fourth and final stage of the seizure of world power by representatives of the world "elite". According to the prophecy of Werner Von Braun - the founder of American rocket science - this stage is to present the extraterrestrials as hostile invaders of humanity, and unite against this "common enemy"... Building up military power in space. "But all this is a lie!" - Werner Von Braun spoke on this subject.

The President of the Association Alexander Semyonov speaking.

In the interview to the General Director of the Association Timofey Egorov the Director of The Disclosure Project Dr. Steven Greer speaks about the upcoming report to the US Senate of the military and the intelligence community of the USA on the UFO issue. The information about the "unidentified aerial phenomena" (UAP) must be provided within 180 days from the day Donald Trump has signed the COVID-19 Relief Bill in December, 2020.

General Director of the Association "Ecology of the Unknown", Trainer of cosmonauts at the Gagarin Cosmonauts Training Center (Star City, Russia) Timofey Egorov having a dialogue with the Director of The Disclosure Project, Founder of The Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI), creator of the CE-5 Protocol,

Dr. Steven M. Greer.

Global Cooperation needs to be established in reaching the world leaders, educating the public, disclosing the truth and beginning a new civilization.

President of the Association "Ecology of the Unknown", professor of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems Alexander Semyonov calls on all leaders to immediately sign the Treaty on the Prevention of Placement of Weapons in Outer Space, initially introduced by Russia and China. Over 100 countries have already agreed to not be first to place weapons in outer space.

President of the Association "Ecology of the Unknown", professor of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems Alexander Semyonov speaks about the Ethics of Space, intelligent Powers of the Universe, Space Force of the USA, possible extinction of the humankind and calls to the peaceful use of outer space and the signing of the Treaty on the Prevention of Placement of Weapons in Outer Space, initially introduced by Russia and China.

Why is there the Coronavirus pandemic? Maybe, for reasons that lie outside our modern scientific paradigm? Find answers in this short presentation produced by "SpaceVortex" Ltd., member of the Association "Ecology of the Unknown".

Famous actor, producer, director, musician and martial artist Steven Seagal addresses the participants of the semiannual international public and scientific conference Ziegel Readings, held by the Association "Ecology of the Unknown" twice a year in Russia, as well as all who can hear and calls for the assistance in the signing of the Treaty on the Prevention of Placement of Weapons in Outer Space, calls for the Peace in Space.

Meeting with Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, Director of the Institute of Clinical and Experimental Medicine of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR (Novosibirsk) Vlail Petrovich Kaznacheyev. Year 1991. The topic of the meeting: "Intelligence". The meeting was organized and conducted by the President of the Foundation "Intelligence and Survival", Doctor of Economics, Academician of the International Academy of Future Studies Elena Melnikova.

The speech of the Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Natural Sciences, Petrovskaya Academy of Sciences and Arts, Director of the Institute of General Pathology and Human Ecology of RAMS (Novosibirsk) Vlail Petrovich Kaznacheev at the forum analysts and forecasters. Year 1995. Topic: "Science".

The President of the Association Alexander Semyonov speaks about Unacknowledged Special Access Programs (USAPs) - the so-called "black" projects, the secrecy of which exceeds all existing official levels of secrecy. These projects (or programs) are usually associated with reverse engineering of extraterrestrial technologies, UFOs, free energy sources, etc.

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