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The Ethics of the Cosmos – is an international social movement for the promotion of peaceful existence in outer space, the main goal of which is to assist all Humankind in a new commitment to become a moral, peaceful, ethical, global civilization, moving toward fulfilling our Cosmic purpose as the only force on Earth, in the Solar System, and in the Galaxy itself that can accomplish what we humans must do.

At the first stage of the organization's formation, until its official registration with the accession to the UN Treaty, it will take the form of an international social movement started to draw the attention of the public, as well as the leadership of all countries of the world, to the fact that Humanity is not alone in the Universe, and that this fact requires a review of the structure and organization of activities in almost all spheres of human life so to build a whole new human society, based on the Laws of Ethics.

Find out about the rationale of the organization in the document

"The Ethics of the Cosmos: Preamble".

To know more about the relevance of the organization, its purpose and objectives read the document

"The Ethics of the Cosmos: Declaration".

The scientific and theoretical basis that has become the basis for all programs and projects of The Ethics of the Cosmos movement is summarized in the document "Conception of the Living Universe".

If you want to invite someone to join The Ethics of the Cosmos social movement, you may want to use the Invitation Letter below.


One of the Projects that The Ethics of the Cosmos will be implementing is the creation of a new and unique Production-Industrial Complex in near-Earth Space.

Get familiar with the work of one of the representatives of modern Russian cosmism, a member of the Association Ecology of the Unknown - PhD candidate Sergey Ivanovich Suhonos - "The Limits of Growth and the Infinity of Development".


Below is the list of the senior officials of the international social movement The Ethics of the Cosmos, as well as representatives of the movement in different countries of the world. The full list of members of the movement can be found on the official website of The Ethics of the Cosmos here.


Alexander Semyonov

Headquarters Chief


President of the Association Ecology of the Unknown

Honorary PhD, professor and Presidium memberof the Academy of Geopolitical Problems

International Academy of Information, Communication and Management (IAICM), academician
Academy for the Study of Informational and Applied Anomalogy Problems (AIAAN), honorary academician

International Academy of Energy-Information Sciences (IAEIS), honorary academician

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Timofey Egorov

Chief Coordinator of the movement


Trainer of cosmonauts at the Gagarin Cosmonauts Training Center, Star City, Russia

General Director of the Association Ecology of the Unknown

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Carol Rosin

Honorary Member, Representative of the movement in the USA


Executive Director, Peace and Emergency Action Coalition for Earth (P.E.A.C.E. Inc.)  
Founder, Institute for Security and Cooperation in Outer Space (ISCOS)
World Peace in Space Ambassador, International Association of Educators for World Peace, UN/NGO in consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council
Coordinator, World Space Commission, World Government of World Citizens

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Ervin Laszlo

Honorary Member, Representative of the movement in Italy


Founder-Director of the Laszlo Institute of New Paradigm Research (Italy)

Founder and President of The Club of Budapest

Fellow of the World Academy of Art and Science

Noble Peace Prize nominee in 2004 and 2005, recipient of various honors and awards

Honorary PhD in the United States, Canada, Finland, and Hungary

Professor, author, pianist

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Paweł Wądołowski

World Member, Representative of the movement in Poland


Inventor, aerospace engineer

Advocate of peaceful cooperation on Earth and in the Cosmos

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Kevin Caissie

World Member, Representative of the movement in Canada


Oil industry worker

Social activist

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Marko Novak

World Member, Representative of the movement in Serbia


Graphics Designer

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Renato Francisco Ganley Zimmermann

World Member, Representative of the movement in Japan



Social activist

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Pavlos Symentis

World Member, Representative of the movement in Greece


Social entrepreneur

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Joao Pedro Jacinto Avelar Correia

World Member, Representative of the movement in Portugal


Social activist


Radio DJ

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Winfred Khoo

World Member, Representative of the movement in Singapore and Malaysia


Singapore company for the study and practice of Integrative Health Sciences and Nutritional Medicine in ASEAN, Managing Director

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Mary Rodwell

World Member, Representative of the movement in Australia


Clinical hypnotherapist 

Professional Counsellor

Principal and Founder of ACERN (Australian Close Encounter Resource Network) 

Co-Founder of The Dr. Edgar Mitchell FREE (Foundation Research in Extraterrestrial Experiences)

Author, Producer of documentaries

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Amber Langtry

World Member, Representative of the movement in the UK

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Bachelor in computer animation

Animator, motion graphics artist


Jose Daniel Munoz Tovar

World Member, Representative of the movement in Mexico


Investigative Journalist specializing in alternative phenomena and new sciences

TV and radio presenter, producer, writer, translator, holistic therapist

Director of the Mexican TV channel Infinito TV

Head of the Mexican movement Nuevo Tiempo

Director of the Nueva Consciencia School

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Ladislav Jenik

World Member, Representative of the movement in Czech Republic

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Bachelor of Philosophy and Bachelor of Theology, University of San Giovanni, Vatican

Member of the Psychotronic Association of the Czech Republic

Top manager in the field of medical equipment

© 2020-2024, Association Ecology of the Unknown

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