Dr. Carol Sue Rosin
Treaty on the Prevention of Placement of Weapons in Outer Space is a public initiative supported by many scientific and public figures, as well as by representatives of culture and art, aimed at calling on leaders of all countries of the world to sign the Treaty banning the placement of all types of weapons in space, thereby guaranteeing only the peaceful use of outer space.
The initiator and co-author of the Treaty on the Non-Placement of Weapons in Outer Space is Dr. Carol Sue Rosin, a representative of the Association “Ecology of the Unknown” in the USA, leading international expert.
In 2017, Dr. Carol Sue Rosin was invited by the Association “Ecology of the Unknown” to Russia to participate in the 50th anniversary “Ziegel Readings” - international social science conference - on December 2-3, 2017. She gave extremely positive consent. The cost of Dr. Rosin's visit was paid by the President of the “KONTI” Group of Companies, leading scientific expert of the Association “Ecology of the Unknown”, T. R. Timerbulatov.

During the visit, in addition to Carol Rosin's speech at the Ziegel Readings, the following significant events were held:
- reception of Carol Rosin in the Department of Non-Proliferation and Arms Control of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation;
- participation of Dr. Rosin in the meeting of the Presidium of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems;
- press conference on the topic "Peaceful Space: New Initiatives of Scientists and the Public" at the MIA "Russia Today" for RIA Novosti;
- interview with Carol in the studio of the media portal "Mediametrics".
Dr. Carol Sue Rosin's presentation for the scientific and practical conference "World Majority for a Fair, Equal and Safe World", held in Moscow, Russia on April 26, 2024.
Support the Treaty on the Prevention of the Placement of Weapons in Outer Space at:
www.peaceinspace.com (Carol Rosin's website).
Honorary Doctor Carol Sue Rosin addresses the world leaders with a call to sign the Treaty on the Prevention of the Placement of Weapons in Outer Space. Since Russia at all times has constantly been advocating an exclusively peaceful exploration of Outer Space, Carol chooses the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin to be the first to sign the Treaty and call on the other world leaders to do this. Let peace on Earth prevail through peace in Space!
Reception of Dr. Carol Sue Rosin at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation on December 01, 2017.
Introduction of Carol Roisin at the 50th Ziegel Readings on December 03, 2017.
Carol Rosin at the meeting of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems on December 04, 2017. Part 1 of 2.
Carol Rosin at the meeting of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems on December 04, 2017. Part 2 of 2.
Press conference with Carol Roisin for RIA Novosti on December 05, 2017. Part 1 of 2.
Press conference with Carol Roisin for RIA Novosti on December 05, 2017. Part 2 of 2.
Interview with Carol Rosin on the news portal Mediametrics on December 06, 2017.